Veterinary Nutritionist in Coon Rapids, MN

Let’s discuss your pet’s diet and lifestyle. Diet plays an incredibly important part in your pet’s health. It’s not just a matter of having a tubby tabby or a flabby fido, although being overweight can affect their quality of life. The wrong kinds of food can have a wide-ranging effect on your dog or cat’s well-being. We’ll outline a diet based on the age of your pet, their lifestyle, and any medical issues they may have. Maybe we’ll even make room for a treat or two.

Graphic of a man walking a dog in front of WellHaven Pet Health
German shepherd at veterinarian

We’ll provide the best diet plan for your pet’s nutritional needs.

Your pet’s diet is an essential factor in their overall health, and we want to help guide your family in the right direction. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 53% of adult dogs and 55% of adult cats in the US are obese or overweight. On top of that, 22% of dog owners and 15% of cat owners thought their pet’s weight was healthy when they were actually overweight!

Our team of experienced veterinarians at WellHaven Pet Health Coon Rapids understands that each pet is unique. Every cat and dog has their own nutritional needs. So we provide a personalized approach to fit their health goals. We’ll evaluate factors such as breed, age, weight, existing health conditions, and activity level to recommend the most suitable diet.

Our nutritional counseling services will give you the guidance you need to keep your pet in good health. We’ll work closely with you on food selection and feeding practices for your pet’s different life stages. If your pet has a medical condition, we can help you select the most appropriate diet.

Comprehensive Pet Nutritional Assessment and Advice

During a nutritional counseling session, our veterinarians conduct a thorough assessment of your pet’s current diet and health status. This evaluation helps us identify any deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in their nutrition.

We’ll provide recommendations on:

  • Proper portion sizes and feeding schedules
  • Essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals
  • Special dietary requirements for specific health conditions or life stages
  • Transitioning to new diets or addressing dietary allergies and sensitivities
dog touching nose with owner's hand
puppy after veterinary wellness plan

The Many Benefits of Optimal Pet Nutrition

Feeding your pet nutrient-dense meals plays a pivotal role in maintaining their overall health and can contribute to:

  • Improved immune function
  • Healthy weight management and prevention of obesity-related issues
  • Enhanced energy levels and vitality
  • Support for specific medical treatments or recovery from illnesses
  • Prevention of nutritional deficiencies that could lead to health complications

It’s a collaborative approach with one goal: happy, healthy pets.

We believe in a collaborative approach to pet care. Our veterinarians work closely with pet owners to create a feasible and effective nutritional plan. We’ll provide ongoing support and guidance to make sure your pet is on track to a healthier lifestyle.

WellHaven is a leading Coon Rapids vet. As your pet’s needs change over time, we’ll be there for you every step of the way. Schedule your pet nutrition consultation to find the best diet plan for your companion!

Request an Appointment

How to contact us:


3560 River Rapids Drive
Coon Rapids, MN 55448
Click here for directions.


Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 6 PM
Sat & Sun: Closed


Phone: 763-290-0830
Fax: 763-290-0830

When to seek out Coon Rapids Urgent Vet Care Services

It can be a stressful situation when you find your pet in need of immediate emergency or urgent care or if you’re unsure what you should be doing to help. Please don’t hesitate to call the Coon Rapids WellHaven for guidance in these difficult times.


Emergency Care

Whether your pet is in need of immediate emergency care or emergent care (when a situation can worsen over a short period of time), acting quickly can make all the difference in the world. Please call (763) 290-0830 at once to ensure we can see you as early as possible if your pet is experiencing any of the following issues. Please Note we are not currently seeing walk-in patients at this time.


  • Quills
  • Foxtails
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Toxicities
  • Marijuana ingestions
  • Lacerations
  • Abscesses
  • Breathing issues
  • Seizures
  • General pain
  • Foreign body ingestions (gastrointestinal blockages)
  • Laboring pets
  • Laboring issues
  • And many other issues



Although we are a fully outfitted veterinary hospital, there are times when we won't be able to see or treat your pet. In these cases, your pet will need to be seen by another clinic, hospital, or veterinary facility. If necessary, we will refer you and your pet to another doctor for the following circumstances:

  • Serious trauma, such as being hit by a car, falls of distance, or gunshot
  • Head or eye injuries
  • Irregular breathing, shortness of breath, prolonged or heavy panting
  • Heart disease or failure
  • Severe or sudden onset of pain
  • Blood loss
  • Broken bones
  • Exposure to toxins including rat poison and antifreeze
  • Hyper- or hypothermia (heatstroke or frostbite)
  • High fever
  • Serious burns
  • Cluster seizures or severe neurologic disease




Coon Rapids Accepts Referral Urgent Care Patients

If you’re an animal clinic that is unable to perform urgent care or offer emergency services, please consider sending your patients to the Coon Rapids WellHaven. When they call, make sure they tell us their primary care facility so we can get all of the necessary information from you before they arrive at our facility.  We will also relay visit information back to you to ensure you have a complete history of your patients. 

WellHaven Pet Health Coon Rapids
3560 River Rapids Drive
Coon Rapids, MN 55448



Motion graphic of Bunz the WellHaven Bunny