Internal Medicine Vet in Coon Rapids, MN
We provide inside-out care for your pet. Is your pet listless, lacking appetite, or unusually frantic or agitated? If you don’t notice anything out of the ordinary after a visual inspection, you may want to bring them in for an examination. Our clinics are outfitted with the latest radiology equipment, an in-house lab, and an on-site pharmacy. We can test, analyze, diagnose, and treat your pet and get them back to their happy, healthy, joyful lives.
Internal Veterinary Medicine offers quick diagnosis, quicker treatment.
When your pet is not feeling their best, we’re able to use the latest technology to quickly diagnose and start treatment.
X-rays can be used to evaluate your pet’s internal organs like the heart, lungs, and abdominal organs, as well as bones. When it comes to accurately diagnosing your pet, radiology can be an extremely valuable tool in our diagnostic arsenal.
We’re also stocked with an in-house laboratory that allows us to perform blood chemistry analysis, thyroid level analysis, coagulation profiles, and to test for things like parvovirus, feline leukemia, and Lyme disease.
When your pet is not feeling their best, our experienced team uses the latest technology to make sure that they’re feeling their best as quickly as possible.
As a precedent-setting veterinarian in Coon Rapids, MN we get your pet feeling and looking their best. Schedule your internal medicine visit today!
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When to seek out Coon Rapids Urgent Vet Care Services
It can be a stressful situation when you find your pet in need of immediate emergency or urgent care or if you’re unsure what you should be doing to help. Please don’t hesitate to call the Coon Rapids WellHaven for guidance in these difficult times.
Emergency Care Whether your pet is in need of immediate emergency care or emergent care (when a situation can worsen over a short period of time), acting quickly can make all the difference in the world. Please call (763) 290-0830 at once to ensure we can see you as early as possible if your pet is experiencing any of the following issues. Please Note we are not currently seeing walk-in patients at this time.
Referrals Although we are a fully outfitted veterinary hospital, there are times when we won't be able to see or treat your pet. In these cases, your pet will need to be seen by another clinic, hospital, or veterinary facility. If necessary, we will refer you and your pet to another doctor for the following circumstances:
Coon Rapids Accepts Referral Urgent Care Patients
If you’re an animal clinic that is unable to perform urgent care or offer emergency services, please consider sending your patients to the Coon Rapids WellHaven. When they call, make sure they tell us their primary care facility so we can get all of the necessary information from you before they arrive at our facility. We will also relay visit information back to you to ensure you have a complete history of your patients.